Proper Pencil and Sitting Position
Watch to be sure they are holding their pencils properly and sitting with their feet on the
floor, proper posture, with one hand supporting their paper (depending if they are right or left
handed). Be sure to walk around and help children while they practice. If they make a mistake,
just giggle with them about it and tell them that, “it was a good try, try again!” Unless, of course,
they are purposely being silly. If so, this usually means they are afraid to try and possibly “mess up”.
In this case, reassure them that you know they can do it. Help them a few times by holding on to the
top of their pencil and gently guide it in the right direction. Just having you hold on to the pencil will
usually give them enough confidence to keep trying. Eventually, you will no longer be needed to help.
Reassure them that they are doing GREAT!.. that they are just practicing.