JoyFully Read!™ is a joyful, multi-sensory reading curriculum that creates independent readers for life! Placement in our program is based off of reading skill levels (not age or grade) in order to get the best results for each individual. We’ve even had great success with students diagnosed with dyslexia, learning disabilities, and more. We can help with all reading needs!
What should I know about JoyFully Read!™?
“Reading days” or sessions are held twice a week, for 45 minutes. Everything our students and teachers need for these sessions and the 5 minute daily activity is provided in JoyFully Read!’s 3 Step’s Homeschool Bundles. Every fun session’s planning/preparation is very minimal to nothing (every teacher’s/mother’s dream)! We want you to feel supported and encouraged as you joyfully teach your students to be independent readers for life!
Inside the Homeschool Bundle Kit, the teacher material includes a training video, poster, and binder with our JoyFully Read!™ teaching tips and written out, day-by-day, lesson plans. The lesson plans are there for learners who need written out instruction and are only meant to be guidlines. We believe that we give you the tools you need to be successful in teaching your children, but YOU are the instrument! You know what’s best for you and your family.
JoyFully Read!™ is an open & go program. The training video and thorough instruction enable you to teach the program effectively. Once you are familiar with our methods, there is no required prep work for your twice a week sessions. You can just pick up where you left off last time and have fun while doing it! On top of that, there is ALWAYS an answer to be found. When you purchase a Bundle Kit, you receive membership access on our website which includes additional helpful videos, activities and games suggestions, and more!
We, at JoyFully Read!™, want your children to be successful in their journey of learning to read, and overall, we want it to be joyful for everyone! That’s why we offer our JoyFully Read! ™ Satisfaction Guaranteed Policy. If you are not completely satisfied with how your students are progressing with JoyFully Read!™, receive a FREE one-on-one phone call with Michelle Corbin, Certified Reading Specialist (21 years), as well as Owner & Creator of JoyFully Read! Reading Program! Together, you will work to identify any issues that may be causing unsatisfactory results with the JoyFully Read!™ Reading Program, and set a plan to resolve them. We want joyful success for all!
Tutor Training
Become a JoyFully Read!™ Tutor and start your own Reading Center where you can earn great money from home, while serving your community!
Choose your own hours
Make great money
Work from home
Feel the joy every teaching day
On going training & support
Click Here to find out more details and benefits!
“This little miss has struggled with reading. She has some dyslexic symptoms. With her dad being dyslexic we knew we might have a child with dyslexia. So I was mentally prepared. But after having started over with phonics 4 different times I really thought I was doing something wrong and it was futile. Thanks to Michelle Corbin with JoyFully Read I gained the confidence to teach her with their homeschool curriculum. Within a few short weeks things are clicking and she is finally able to read well and confidently! We finished the2nd step in a 4 step program, but I can already see HUGE leaps in her progress. I am so incredibly proud of this little girl right here!!! Look at the joy and confidence she has!!!!” – Keeley Loffredo Berardi
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